Sunday, March 6, 2011

Early morning rise

This morning I opted to wake up at 7 am....with the mister. He left this morning to go do his film internship and I did a video workout in the living room with my tail tucked between my legs. How is it, that even when you are alone ( roommate was dead to the world this morning and still is thankfully) that a workout video can still feel so terribly embarrassing? Because it definitely did, and it definitely worked me over in 15 minutes flat.
Life for me has been too busy for words, as i try to squeeze this in. Maybe its my own fault. I think I procrastinate and Im now feeling the effects. Todays agenda involves homework, stop break to grab things from someone to take to good will, then back for lunch and maybe homework here if my roommate isn't a total douchebag. Homework homework homework! Pray for me that Statistics actually is understood by me for the next 3 days. I do have an exam I need to get a really great-spectacular-awesome grade on.

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