Sunday, February 13, 2011

I haven't been able to write for quite some time. We are having a bit of a problem down here in Florida. Cold weather. I can't do anything when it is cold out, its quite terrible. I tend to get a case of really bad narcolepsy and everything I could possibly be working on, thinking about, take a major hit.
Currently on the list of ignoring so I can just be bundled up is: All my homework, the kindle, baking, life.
Yep. I've been successfully trying to avoid life, but it isn't working. It's going on whether I like it or not. So finally, I'm up. I'm trying to stay awake.
We received the "High Mowing Seed Catalog" in the mail the other day and I've been making an effort to go through and highlight the things that I would like to see us try to grow.  I am very excited for a few of the plans that we have been making in regards to our eating habits and our growing.  We are going to attempt to continue to eat as much from the farm as we can, and now we may start having a monthly pick up from another farm but specifically for meats. Should be a very good way to set us on our way from being so dependent on the one stop shop grocery marts. But we shall see.

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