Sunday, March 13, 2011

Carry a blanket, maybe a basket

My my! The time just flies! I don't even know how to keep up! I will say, this will be the last semester of me overloading myself....I hope. I definitely bit off more than I can chew and feel like I am choking. Statistics gives me depression, Chemistry puts me in a coma, and Literature is the only one that I feel I can easily breeze through as long as I continue to stay ahead. Spring break has hit so it's time for the adjustment. I need atleast 30 more points in statistics for the end of class to officially run screaming from the class forever, and I am not sure about chemistry. I should just continue to strive for high grades on the tests to get a great grade.
Enough about school, its giving me heart burn.

Yesterday, I inherited a Wii from my brother and picked myself up the Wii fit plus. I am SO addicted, it is not even funny. In fact, I am about to go play on it again in a little bit because I'm feeling really antsy. Seems like a good opportunity to break up my workouts into different things instead of just rowing everyday for two hours and going about my day.  I love the feeling I get from working out, and its nice to see myself starting to lose weight from the different mix in workouts. I wonder how accurate the Fit actually is when it comes to balance, but I am way off.  I was thinking yesterday that maybe I should start pursuing to be a personal trainer over the summer. I love everything about it, i love working out with people, i love pushing people to work out and Ill have nothing else really to do over the summer but that and bake. Well, and work my scientist job if its still an option in the summer. 

Today's agenda involves a wedding at 5 that I am to attend. but until then, I am keeping myself from panicking on my poor academic skills and attempting to pack for my big NY st. patty day trip on tuesday!

More later after I retire my dancing shoes!
~Mis. Fit.

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