Almost over! Only two more finals to take and then I can breathe easy! Although, Im pretty sure Im already breathing easy because there is nothing else I could possibly do at this point but move on. My acne on my face could really use me moving on right now. It's atrocious. You can tell that I cup my face in my hands because I break out in a line on my face. Lovely. Stress and finals can do amazing things, still at my decrepit old age.
Last night the mister and I went out with friends to see some bands in the city next to ours. First off, the food and beer setup of restaurants is absolutely adorable. We have a downtown and its all cute and grand......but its different. It's uppity, you have to wear nice clothes, which i highly recommend, but last night was a vest and vans kind of night. Sometimes a girl just likes to look grunge. and you can't do that in our downtown without getting way to crowded and then probably removed for yuppies sake.
Anywho, this is who we went to see, as well as watched Rude Squad beforehand. The supervillains put on a pretty good show and its nice to see people that play the saxophone having such a good rank in a band and dancing around. Ska bands are the reason I picked up a saxophone originally. My parents may have suspected, but never stopped me and its nice that im now musically talented, even if i havent been using it like i want to.
Moving out
The saxophone player last night even played a flute at one point and i almost peed my pants out of reference to Anchorman "this is babymaking music".
Oh the joys of wearing my shamrock vans and skanking all night to punk/ska music.
~Mis. Fit
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