Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Normalcy at its' finest

I believe I'm finally coming back around to "normal". I've been in quite a motivated funk lately and I couldn't really snap myself out of it.  Everything has been fine in the misfit world, other than school being extremely crazy. I didn't think it was such a damper until I wasn't able to bring myself to create anything bake wise.  I forgot how much being in the kitchen just really helped me relax. I spent a good chunk of my sunday in the kitchen baking again. It was so nice to have accomplished some baking without it feeling like a sudden chore. This is good, considering next week I am supposed to be making a pretty crucial cake for someone. Which means I should probably work on getting my studying done. But it's so hard to when all i want to do is just lay down and watch tv and day dream over cupcakes and wedding accessories. No? study? damn, okay....

~Mis. Fit.

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