Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Grumble Monster

I have a complaint that I need to voice today.
 I have a severe migraine. I do believe its from literally rowing my ass off yesterday. Lots of sun, glimmering water ricochetting the light into my eyes, the heat, the battered breathing I had for the full on 8 minutes of my piece and the 45 minute warm up on the water prior just sometimes gets me. I end up feeling like I have a massive hangover and my back makes me pay for it. More so my neck actually. Like i've been craning or looking for extensively.  I can't focus when I have this feeling. It makes me feel so disgustingly old and makes me want to do nothing. Bride expo I wanted to go to? didn't. homework I need to do? Hasn't been touched yet? Grilled cheese I think would be my cure all? Can't have since we don't have any cheese. So now im all grumbly because I felt like hell all day today and now I can't have my damn grilled cheese sandwich.


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