Sunday, January 23, 2011

Marshmallow Hands

Yesterday was probably the most productive yet unproductive day of my life. Left on my own by the mister who was fulfilling a duty to an internship (filming arm wrestling!?! men. ) My day involved what only would make my relationship look like a classic 1950's movie. Sewing,cooking, gardening and laundry. Exciting right?? Here we go.

parsley taking over my raised bed corner
Salad Mix

Flowering Parsley

The never failing rosemary
Note the CD's hanging in the raised bed. I swear they have a purpose. Did you know the reflection that bounces of them makes squirrels go away? Until they realize that it really doesn't do anything. They ate my lettuces heads last week. Bastards. It still seems to be working for the other side though. Ill have to greenhouse it with plastic soon, but everything pictured did AMAZING with all the random hard freezes florida has been having. If i greenhouse it i can put my newest seedlings in there soon for ample growing time instead of me moving them back and forth. You know, procrastinator and forgetfulness proof.

 Here is something that we have had trouble with in the past and honestly, I had given up on for what i thought was for sure.
Pea plant
Pea plant survival
 Never had we made it past this stage when it comes to the peas. We though the hard freezes would kill them off and im almost positive they weren't in our planting agenda over the fall when we originally planted. They are all over. Randomly under a tree growing up it, around the fences of the garden (chicken wire in a square to prevent dog smashing, charming i know. But it does actually look nice outside the window)
"If daddy knew I was in here....."

Dog prison love
Potatoes with a random pulled radish to the left.

Looks like a garbage pile right? Potatoes grow anywhere.
This was actually filled with cardboard because cardboard prevents cold.
It worked. we have 9 of these plants.
Pea plant resembling a talk flower from "Alice in wonderland"
Picture heavy today, I know. That was only my MORNING. The plants are too pretty and exciting not to share. The rest of the backyard looks dead and depressing. I should do more weeding and trimming back, but thats after a bit of homework....I keep telling myself that.

 THIS filled my afternoon. It was such a gorgeous fabric on sale, that I had to get a yard. Weiner doodle now has a dress of silk. Sick isn't it? She does have a party to attend and she can only go in style. Ill post it once i finish the velcro and embellishment of jewels. Maybe I should work on attire for "real" children.

~Mis. Fit.

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