Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Ive got a touch of the black lung, pops"

This morning practice was a good one. Although, my time yesterday was a big improvement for me and today I slipped back to a closer time than i would usually have. Yesterday- 2.18 split average. Today?- 2.21. Bah humbug! Turns out I am just making a simple mistake that most people that work out do. Go figure right? I am trying too hard and too fast at the beginning of my timed run ( or erging in this case). My splits usually a 2.08-2.11 right off the bat, but I cant keep it there past 5 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race. With that aside, I'm getting more confident in my running, which means ill probably start running more frequently on my own, if I can wedge myself past this knee scare. Is there something wrong with it? Or was it just a fluke of what happened? I mean, I did fall about 4 feet out of the air and twisted, it didn't pop ALL the way out it just shifted in and out. Being immobilized for a few days sucked, but it wasn't the end of the world like last time, when I needed surgery to figure it out. So here is my plan. A new knee brace since mine currently sucks, get health insurance and then get it checked out. Plain and simple. Stop my worries.
Oh and today? I'm not at work. But don't tell anyone. I have the black lung known as schoolwork and a migraine. I needed it. I never take days off and it's rare that I call out. As for the migraine, nothing is really working for it, so I want to speed up through my studies so I can go be comatose until my exam later. This migraine comes from my back, radiates up my neck, and hits the eyes. Horseshit, I tell you. Never get in a car accident because it messes you up NO MATTER WHAT happens. The only way to fix this migraine is to have perfect posture, a chiropractor, and lots of ice packs. Oh and you have to do muscle work every day with your back. Like lifting a small amount of weights to build up the strength. I guess I should be optimistic and say, look-I have a built in timer for working out! Sometimes, i just want to be the fat kid for a day though.

~Mis. Fit.

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