Thursday, March 21, 2013

Inspirational bursts

Today is one of those days where I am being hit with the inspirational lightning bolt so hard that I actually can't even get the creativity out fast enough (or at all!) For instance, in the middle of writing this sentence I abruptly left to start cupcakes that I wanted to make for my husband. Lets hope the decorating inspiration for them lasts to when I actually have to frost them.
Today I came across an article looking for sewing teachers. Now I don't think that I am that good at sewing, but I have taught in the past so I am curious if it may be like riding a bicycle....I figure Ill go take a class to see the style and energy, then start inquiring about maybe teaching some craft classes to enhance my Martha Stewart-ness. More so its my Maggie Mae-ness. I need to just brand myself that and deal with it. Because right now Im sitting in a bombass apron and theres nothing Stewart has on me.  I mean I throw down butter and flick it out of its paper casing like Im rolling Cleopatra out of her Oriental Rug to be displayed in all her glory. I am THAT good in the kitchen. I know it, I toot my own horn there.

Today its just a white cupcake with ridiculous whipped topping for you sorta-want-to-think-its-healthy-because-its-"light" kind of people. Itll be loaded with candy as well to counteract all that healthy thinking shit.
I can't remember if I have ever mentioned it on here but I half assed run a craft group. More like I wanted to hang out with my friends once a week, we used New Girl and wine as a reason but decided if you didnt do a crafty bitch thing in the process then it was just wasnt as cool. Almost a year later, we don't really drink the wine anymore (Which WHY the fuck not?!?! except I am pregnant so I am excused..) and we dont watch the new girl. We watch a movie, or nothing, and we either incorporate a group project of fun or say every woman for herself. 
sometimes we theme it. this was valentines day massacre night.
Next Wednesday is an Easter themed day. Egg dying and basket making will be had for us 20-something group of six to eight.  I'll be sure to take pictures and post them because it is the First Anniversary of something pretty awesome.
Keep on dying those eggs, ladies!


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