Monday, August 27, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

I live in Florida. Specifically I live 2 miles from a river in Florida that actually opens up to the gulf. Now is probably a perfect introduction as to why I am a misfit. My brain starts to short circuit when impending doom in the form of a hurricane, staple gun use, or even a hard run (in which I'll think about tripping and breaking my leg on repeat until I scare myself into a fast paced walk as slow as you can imagine.) that's right, I'm a hypochondriac. You can only imagine how clean and how incredibly prepped my house is. My bank account? Cleaned out just in case I'll need the cash.
Hi, my name is Mae, and I am a product of my parents utter torture.
Once when I was a kid-probably about 9- my dad slapped my hands while I was outside and said "go wash your hands! That's probably poisonous!" talking about I think mushrooms. Something clicked. I've never been the same since. I washed my hands do mic that summer that they cracked and bled. All the time. To this day I cannot put enough lotion on them to make them stop hurting.
What do you think it was? The paying of Freddy Krueger to chase me at 4? The telling me "red eye" would haunt me if I didn't eat my veggies(ten having a friend wear a mask in the window)? Or the mushroom poison doom? You pick. Because I am unashamedly admitting that I could've had this storm over for tea without it being offended if it didn't decide to go elsewhere. So fine, Isaac. Don't visit. And maybe I'll remove the plastic off my window....

Forever OCD,

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