Monday, October 7, 2013

Craft Room Purge

When I found out I was pregnant, the craft room (disaster) I had officially became no more. The problem being that I have more than a roomful of crafty stuff and nowhere to put it. Technically we have three bedrooms so we decided to make one office be both of our offices. Again, I have a roomful of crap, so does he.  I'm glad to say that since K has been born, her room is done (minus putting away the clothes explosion) and my craft room has merged into the man office.
Current Mess
Its a work in progress. There is still a cabinet of fabric hanging out in my bedroom instead of in here but if we try to put another item in this room, we may lose our minds. We still have a long way to go on things, but at least both of us can function now. It just took getting rid of a few things I really enjoyed at one point in my life but I found them better homes. :D
I planned on starting a new pattern for an apron today. I found it drawn out in a sketch book while purging and I figured since I have the scraps for it I better jump on it or ill lose the motivation! Even though the above picture looks chaotic, its a lot better than what it would normally look like. Maybe I should be on maternity leave more often....

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