November is approaching fast and now that I am home for pretty much the entire month...I am really going to devote myself to the NaNoWriMo contest. Ive tried each year in the past, but this year I want to finish it. I've been doing light research here and there on some subjects that I think are fun to write about, but would they only be fun to read by me? Nonetheless, I have to try it. It should help me gain my writing confidence where everything else has not. I picked up a small writing article, and that was it. Everything else just needs someone with more experience and this isn't a field I can fake until I make it because quite frankly I don't really know what I am doing. I have a dry humor that's worse when written down.
The craft room is slowly making its way to normal. Its only changed slightly since the last picture, but given that I now have a 7 week old that loves to be awake (my only complaint is that I must bore her with the same things when she is awake!?) and I can't help myself that I always want to be with her instead of actually cleaning, purging, or doing anything else rather. I did start to mulch the front yard and even though before I would have just hacked through the heat and bugs....I did get frightened away by some bees (yellowjackets?) around a new yellow bush we have. I am not allergic, but I do tend to swell a lot more than normal. I'm not sure benadryl is something I could take while breastfeeding and normally I cant even look at those pills without passing out. I didn't think that would go over well now that I'm responsible for a person. Passing out while Bella was a puppy is different. She would just sleep under whatever she could burrow under until I was coherent enough to feed or walk her. (The hell with walking the world was her toilet as far as she was concerned.)
Part of me wonders if my husband is worried about me yet with all my time at home. For instance, I think yesterday he commented on a conversation I was having with one of our dogs, yet just now, when I was sterilizing anything/everything plastic and food related for the baby, I was chastising the cats for prowling near the laundry room food dishes. Literally I said out loud, "oh you guys are hungry? Do I look like I serve 24/7 for YOUSSS?!? I donnnnnnt caaaaAaaAaare". So maybe one the inside I am absolutely loving the maternity leave, but on the outside I'm starting to resemble the bag lady.with a bunch of animal issues.
Speaking of bag ladies....why do I attract them? My neighbor came a knocking asking to borrow my phone and then proceeded to yell at her drug mule to come girl her a ride. The good news is I hid the baby before answering the door and disinfected the phone, my hands, and the door.
Just saying that makes me want to bleach my hands again.ugh.
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