Sitting outside while studying is becoming an ultimate favorite. Now that I have a desktop, I can't necessarily do it as much without stealing G's laptop and heading outside. the laptop is fine, but I should probably invest in a new one for myself. I'd love to get a macbook, but I have to have a valid reason for forking over that much cash. For now, I'll just deal with the little laptop that we do have.
I changed my major the other day and I couldn't be more excited about it. Other than I am still in classes that basically mean nothing to me, and just cost me more money I wasnt willing to part with, but we learn from our mistakes and I can just say that its making me a more diverse person in the long run. Aside fromtrying to make myself study for the finals that I cannot stand, I have just been taking time to reflect on myself and the upcoming wedding (that I actually forgot about planning for...oops?) I tend to get really overwhelmed when people try to dictate how it should be done. I notice that I don't do well under that kind of pressure and especially don't do well when it's something that's a total give in for me. Currently, children attending the wedding is a major problem for others. I don't want them there, there's a fountain, and let's be honest. I only like a total of 4 baby/toddlers. My current toddler nephew (the older ones arent so little anymore so they dont count, they behave or get beat.), I also like Blair-Mean Girl's kid, and every so often I like my friends baby Saxon with a little of maybe one other toddler Aly thrown in there. But barely. Notice- all non messy kids for the most part. And older than spitting, crying, can't tell you what's wrong stage. So tell me, why is it so hard for people to understand that a non baby loving individual is going to want a NO BABY kind of day. Not only do I feel that it isnt up for discussion, I don't understand how hard it is to find a service for the night. Really? people? Figure it out, you have to if you want to go anywhere sans baby anyway.
I guess I just don't understand the entire kid thing. But I do have dogs, so i get the whole turning into a pumpkin if Im not home before midnight. I just wish people could respect that I don't like their children. :) Not everyone wants to settle down and pop out a million children. I posted about it on facebook and Im waiting to see how many people are going to crucify me over it. Im always have some kind of controversy over treating my lady part as a private matter and not a dinner discussion. My fiances grandmother and uncle ( actually everyone but his parents) like to talk about my uterus as if its some item on a shelf. No thank you, I don't really like to discuss the unhinging of my pelvis one day so you can feel better about being a great grandmother. Deal with it. Your grandson is marrying a total bitch.
The sun is blaring the screen out now on the back porch. While the morning was lovely out here doing homework and typing, the afternoon has me squinting like crazy to see what I am doing. I guess its time to go inside. Maybe an afternoon nap is in order!
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